Friday, July 27, 2007


The point of loving someone is the compromise. How to compromise without being compromised. Walking the line of letting things go without losing your spirit and your moral compass. I had adapted to the dance on eggshells pretty remarkably well with M. My weakness was fear. I feared his outbursts and his anger. So I would withhold information that I thought would anger him. Particulary about my daughter. It was cowardly, but it worked more often then not. He would get a new car to work on and would be distracted and we would be alright for awhile.

When he did get angry or frustrated I would always rally to the cause. Fight the good fight. But it wore me down.

It is easy to forget that it doesn't have to be this hard. That there is a give and take with a normal person.

Ahh... but now I'm alone. What a bargain to have made with the devil.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't have the words to express how sad this makes me feel, that people as wonderful as you and Molly have gone through this. All I have is I understand, and I'm sorry.